Richard Ashcroft C'mon People (We're Making It Now)(Hut)
Whoa, man, it's hard being a part-time messiah. Just ask Richard Ashcroft. Since Ashie's made an honest woman out of Kate Radley, even the most casual observer must harbour suspicions that domestic bliss is hardly a fount of boundless inspiration. So, yeah, whoa yeah, 'C'mon People (We're Making It Now)' - what's all that about then? A touching ditty penned to commemorate the building of a Wendy house? A jaunty tune to whistle to Kate while she's mashing up banana for lil' Sonny's din-dins? Something for Chris Moyles to segue into The Corrs come drive-time? God, it feels shameful to diss Ashcroft - he's undoubtedly got that precious, unquantifiable something that elevates him above the dismal singer-songwriter crop. But right now, his is a hollow gospel, the sound of sporadic genius prolapsed senselessly into bland FM-rock sludge.
Yeah, yeah. Whoa, yeah. Ho hum.