The names of the new songs are:
Sit And Wonder
Appalachian Springs
Mona Lisa
Rather Be
They were revealed by Simon Jones in his blog: "Should I give titles away yet?, I don't want to give the game away (already have), but I would like some feedback on all this - now's the time to speak up! What have we missed that you wanna hear? Is it too early to play new stuff? Do we skip the obvious? Do we do the obscure? Let me know!"
"Richard will be joining us later when we've gotten the music together. Gotta say - 'twas the greatest few days playin' old tunes! Started with 'Life's An Ocean' and gotta say it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! So far we got a shortlist of about 20 odd tunes to pool from for these first gigs, in no particular order we played - 'Make It Till Monday', 'Virtual World','She's A Superstar', 'Gravity Grave','This Is Music', 'A New Decade', 'On Your Own', 'History', 'Stormy Clouds', 'Life's An Ocean', 'A Northern Soul', 'All In The Mind!' (Sounded Amazing), 'B.S.S' ['Bitter Sweat Symphony'], 'Drugs Don't Work', 'Sonnet', 'Lucky Man', 'Come On', 'Weeping Willow', 'Rolling People', 'Velvet Morning', 'Space And Time', 'Man Called Sun', 'Starsail' and new ones."
Jones added that, in addition to the new songs he mentioned, the band had written a lot of new material which they intend to record early next year.
"September was spent in Terry Britten's amazing studio in Richmond. It's brimming with vintage gear, an old E.M.I desk (Pink Floyd -'Dark Side Of The Moon' era) and billions of guitars, old analogue gear, a treasure trove of effects pedals (Nick like a kid in a toy shop!)," he explained.
"The sessions have been pretty amazing, we certainly have an embarrassment of riches where material is concerned! We will need to do a lot of listening over the next few months before we reconvene in the new year to pull it all together! Plenty of hour long jams and killer choons! we just need to get the balance right."