The Verve tour, which rolled out across the UK in late 2007, found front-of-house engineer Ian Laughton and monitor engineer Tristan Farrow both manning Midas XL8s provided by Britannia Row Productions. Mix caught up with Farrow during the tour.
How much gear are you carrying?
The Verve December tour carried full production. Britannia Row provided all the sound equipment, and for myself I had my monitor rig of choice. The desk was an XL8 with all the associated bits. I used all the onboard “accessories” other than the onboard graphics, for which I chose the digital TC Electronic EQ station. All wedges were Turbosound 350s, which are fantastic for the full-frontal fatness required for the band. Sidefills were three-deep V-DOSC flown, with three dV-DOSC subs underneath them. This gave a very even coverage of the band over the stage.
Do you have a specific mixing style for this band?
It is always a pleasure when your own ideas about how the stage should sound is similar to what the band wants. I was fortunate to be in this position with The Verve. They are a band that jams and plays by feel, so it is important for the sound to have an emotive and sonic quality.
Is the band on in-ears, wedges or a combination of both?
The band is entirely on wedges. Pete, the drummer, will use IEMs for songs with a click-track for a more precise timing. This has been working great.
Where can we find you when you're not on tour?
If you're searching hard, you will probably find me in my backyard, with a trowel or a barbecue close to hand.
Source: Mix; Professional Audio And Music Production magazine