The Helio Sequence is Brandon Summers and Benjamin Weikel from Portland, Oregon. They are literally a two-man wall of sound.
I came across their music by chance when I saw their name listed at a local venue's upcoming events calendar in April. I checked them out on MySpace to get a feel for their sound and have been actively listening ever since.
When it comes to music that should be heard, this band has been slept on so hard it’s ridiculous. They put on such a great show and their music is so powerful and full of energy that it amazes me that they don’t sell out clubs every time they play. Their music is catchy, intelligent, and highly innovative. I seriously haven't heard such an innovative band in a long time. Seldom do I find myself consistently listening to an album a few months after picking it up.
Also, Benjamin Weikel is far and away the most entertaining drummer I've ever seen. He’s like a muppet playing drums. Mouth hanging open in a big smile. Eyes all huge and wide. You can tell he’s genuinely excited to be playing the songs.
I've seen the band twice this year and their latest release, Keep Your Eyes Ahead, is by far a top contender for 2008's Album of the Year in my books. Below I've added a link to their MySpace page, a live session from National Public Radio, and four song downloads courtesy of Sub Pop Records. Music Saves.
NPR Music: Interview and live performance session download (will pop up)
Songs: right-click and select "save link as" or click to play in another page
-Can't Say No (mp3)
-Keep Your Eyes Ahead (mp3)
-Everyone Knows Everyone (mp3)
-Blood Bleeds (mp3)